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異域鎮魂曲:加強版 圖文攻略 全劇情流程及玩法指南

2023-12-04 單機遊戲攻略


Area: AR0102, Mebbeth's House(Mebbeth的家)






她說教你前你得給她跑腿。首先是給你一些草籽讓你去集市找一個販子,把籽種成藥草。到集市區去,找(x 1275 y 1150)的販子交談,(500 exp)他說你得找個懂行的園丁。還記得Mourns-for-trees嗎?

找燃尸酒吧區的Mourns-for-trees幫忙(x 2215 y 570),他說這得靠你自己的意愿。試著用精神力讓草籽發芽(500 exp),結果草爬到你的手臂上,扯也扯不掉。

再去問Mebbeth,說草是發芽了,但你除不掉這些縵藤。她告訴你只要你想就可以做到(500 exp)。然后你可以試著把草圈成一個框。得到的經驗值視你的屬性而定:

INT & WIS <=12 -- no experience

INT 13 - 16 -- 500 experience

INT >=16 -- 750 experience

WIS 13 - 16 -- 500 experience

WIS >=16 -- 750 experience

第二件事是讓你去取一些洗過的破布。到集市區找Giscorl (x 1400 y 1020),他說他洗這些布頭都洗了幾年了,都被他洗硬了。(500 exp)

把布頭拿回去給Mebbeth,得500 exp。然后她差你到集市找Kossah-Jai (x 1600 y 1180),取一些墨水。Kossah-Jai一開始沒反應過來,后來她想起來Meir'am所賣的一種魚會噴黑水,權當墨汁吧。Meir'am (x 1975 y 1985)倒是有這種魚,但你要找個東西裝呀。(x 1580 y 1000)處的女販子有賣壇壇罐罐,買一個后找Meir'am裝墨水。

向Mebbeth復命,得到1000 exp。她問你還要學嗎,同意的話你就專職成了法師。如果你得INT或WIS上了14,你就會領悟她差你跑腿的深意。(2000 exp)然后她會給你看一個咒符,如果你INT上14你立刻就記住了這個法術。否則選擇give up(放棄)的話也會記住。她對你能理解感到驚異,你解釋說你似乎很久之前就學過了。


接著她就用墨在破布和框子上寫些咒符,不斷的問她問題,直到她再給你3個咒符(5000 exp)和一個耳環。


當你轉職成了法師,你可以讓Dak'kon教你魔法。他勉強同意了,并讓你研讀他隨身攜帶的Circle of Zerthimon(Zerthimon之環)。

Circle of Zerthimon一共有八層,每一層記載了一個Zerthimon族的傳說,同時還有一個相應的魔法。對Circle of Zerthimon右鍵然后選use,如果你的屬性達到要求就可以參悟一層魔法。然后和Dak'kon交談,可以得到經驗值。

第一層:要求WIS上12,然后對Dak'kon說你參悟了:"Strength lies in knowing oneself. I learned that once someone does not *know* themselves, they are lost. They become tool for others."(你必須知己才能強大)(300 exp)。

第二層:要求WIS上12,然后對Dak'kon說你參悟了:"I learned that not *knowing* something can be a tool, just like flesh and steel, if upon encountering it, you attempt to *know* its nature and how it came to be."(參透事物的本質才能有效運用)(600 exp)。

第三層:要求WIS上14,然后對Dak'kon說你參悟了:"Endure. In enduring, grow strong."(隱忍,將使我強大)(900 exp)。

第四層:要求WIS上15,然后對Dak'kon說你參悟了:"When one chooses to see only what is before them, they see only a part of the whole. They are blind. And just as Vilquar was blinded by his promised reward, so were the *illithids* blinded to the true Rising. For when they heard Vilquar's words, they turned their sight outwards again, didn't they? And the Rising was free to strike?"(短視將使你盲目)(1500 exp)。

第五層:要求WIS上16,然后對Dak'kon說你參悟了:"There is great strength in numbers, but there is great power in one, for the strength of the will of one may gather numbers to it. There is strength not only in *knowing* the self, but *knowing* how to bring it forth in others."(除了知己之外,必須了解如何領袖他人)(3000 exp)。

第六層:要求WIS上18,然后對Dak'kon說你參悟了:"I know that Zerthimon's devotion to the People was such that he was willing to protect them from themselves. He knew the *illithids* had come not to *know* themselves in their obsession with control and domination. So he chose to stop Gith before she carried the People to their deaths. There must be balance in all things, or else the self will not hold."(平衡維持著存在)(5000 exp)。這里你讀到的關于Zerthimon的傳說微微震驚了Dak'kon。


第七層:要求WIS上16才能發現,然后告訴Dak'kon,環上還有一層。他希望你能點撥他,如果WIS上19,你可以告訴他說你參悟了:"It speaks of time as an ally, not as an enemy. It says that patience can sharpen even the smallest of efforts into a weapon that can strike the heart of an empire. Your victories may be small, but over time, a greater victory may be achieved."(時間消磨一切,忍耐,你終將獲勝)(5000 exp)。

第八層:要求WIS上18才能發現(6000 exp),然后需要WIS上19才能參悟。向Dak'kon說你參悟了:"It speaks of focus and discipline... about how not *knowing* oneself can physically divide the man. It also speaks of the weaknesses that division causes. It seems to me that it tells one to not only *know* themselves and take strength from that, but that your focus can reveal weaknesses in your enemy."(專注將使你知彼。知己知彼,是力量的根源)(你和Dak'kon每人各10000 exp)。


+1 STR

+2 DEX

+2 CON

從Mebbeth's House出來后向西北方走,到(x 1325 y 650)處的門前,如果你隨身帶有Junk(垃圾)的話,丟一塊進去,傳送門就會出現。


Area: AR0108, Trash Warrens(垃圾堆)


剛一進去就會遇到一個拾荒者Anamoli。不用理睬他。現在去(x 3280 y 1080),如果你隨身帶有Cranium Rat Tail(殼鼠的尾巴),一個傳送門會出現,進入一個滿是殼鼠的房間。清場后出來。

向右一直走,到秘密地下城市的入口在(x 4200 y 2600)。前面由有一個叫Bish的大漢帶著人馬看守。

為了進地下城,你可以殺光他們,也可以騙過他們:如果INT上13,你可以說你打聽到Pharod住在這兒。或者說別攔我,敢和Pharod作對嗎(1200 exp)。如果你的CHA上13,你可以說我不想找事,也可以通過(no exp)。


異域鎮魂曲:加強版 圖文攻略 全劇情流程及玩法指南

來源:3dm 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:異域鎮魂曲(Planescape: Torment)
