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《沙加:Emerald Beyond》圖文攻略 流程梳理及收集品位置攻略

2024-04-26 單機遊戲攻略




宮古城場景(Miyako City)

1: 出場劇情(Scenario Intro)

2: 戰斗教程(Tutorial Battle)

3: 十字路掃描(Scan at the Junction)


綱則的普爾克拉魔域場景(Mido Witchdom Pulchra)

1: 前往天堂之門(Head to Heaven's Door)

2: 掃描普爾克拉魔域(Scan at Witchdom Pulchra)

3: 青春之樹(Tree of Youth)

4: 白獅女士(White Lion Womb)

5: 暖房(Greenhouse)

6: 火焰城堡(Flame Fortress)

7: 白石礦(White Ore Mine)

8: 曙光風車(Twilight Windmill)

9: 燒焦的塔(Scorching Tower)

10: 黑水之門(Black Water Gate)

11: 土溝(Earth Grooves)

12: 黑天鵝城堡(Black Swan Castle)

13: 強大之物(Something Powerful)

14: 深藍森林的精靈(Spirit of the Deep Blue Forest)

15: 普通之靈(A Normal Spirit)

16: 虛弱之靈(A Weak Spirit)

17: 燈塔(Tower of Light)

18: 十字路口(Junction)


綱則格雷龍場景(Mido Grelon)

【1】普通路線(Common Route)

1: 流浪的男孩(Wandering Boy)

2: 解救萊雅(Rescuing Frozen Leia)

3: BOSS戰(Boss Branching Route)

【2】鐵娘子路線(Iron Maiden Route)

4: 解救桑德里娜(Rescuing Frozen Sandrine)

5: 解救冰封的埃斯佩蘭斯(Rescuing Frozen Esperance)

6: 解救冰封的雷米(Rescuing Frozen Remi)

7: 解救冰封的維吉爾(Rescuing Frozen Virgil)

8: 解救冰封的蓋布瑞爾(Rescuing Frozen Gabriel)

9: 山頂的索道小屋(Ropeway Hut at the Top of the Mountain)

10: 用過10根火柴后的選擇(Options After You Use Up 10 Matches)

11:冰殿大門的奧秘( Mystery of the Ice Palace Gate)

12: 調查員蓋布瑞爾的擔憂(Investigator Gabriel's Concerns)

13: 探索大礦洞(Exploring of the Great Mine)

14: 探索教堂廢墟(Exploring the Church Ruins)

15: 探索公共沐浴廢墟(Exploring the Public Bath Ruins)

16: 探索碳礦區(Exploring the Coal Mine)


來源:3dm 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫
