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2023-06-08 手機遊戲攻略






初遇 新朋友……新朋友……新投資者……新朋友!

New friends ... new friends ... new investor ... new friend!

箱中氣候 外出取消?!我正在興頭上!該死……你們這兒就沒間像樣的封閉性訓練場嗎?!

Outing canceled?! I'm just getting exited! Damn ... Not even a decent enclosed training field here?!




I have to say thank you to the "storm."Without it,those old fogies would have never given me the green light for research and so much funding.


孑立 哦——這兒沒有其他人了?很好,現在這兒是我的了。

Oh ... No one else's here? Great,I own the place now.

問候 嗯,嗯……?哦,只是——暈過去了。你來得正好,拿著桌子上的那個本子,我說你記……

Hmm, hmm...? Oh,I just ... passed out. Nice to see you here. Take the notebook on the desk and write down what I say...

朝晨 這片面包是我的了,你自己再做一份吧。

The bread is mine now. Make yourself another one.



拿著, 這是最新神秘生物學日報,瞧瞧上面的人是如何吹捧我的, 然后好好學一學。

Here, take the latest Arcane Biology Daily.Now see how they praise me and learn carefully.

夜暮 接下來,我會在這里高歌一曲。各位親愛的朋友,和自己的睡眠說再見吧。

Next,I'll sing a song here. My dear friends,say goodbye to your sleep.




只剩我和你了?很好!讓我們誰也不要打擾誰, 對坐到天亮吧!理想的陪伴莫過如此。

Just you and I? Great!Leave me alone and I will,too. Let's sit across each other until dawn! That's the best companionship.

帽檐與發鬢 這個?它還不錯,咬起來又韌又——這是你的帽子?

This? Not bad. It's tough to bite and... This is your hat?

袖與手 別總盯著推薦劑量瞻前顧后的,好的實驗效果需要大膽嘗試。我的建議是:直接拉滿。

Don't restrict yourself to the suggested amoount. An effective trail needs bold attempts. So,I will say:full dose!

衣著與身形 嘶……哈……第十分鐘后……鎖骨中線第……四肋間,間歇性……刺痛……

Hiss ... Hah... After ten minutes ... the mid clavicle ... the fourthe rib,remittent ... pain...

閑談Ⅰ 家人……?哦!親本!你要是早說這個我就懂了。我只是缺少生殖系統,又不是石頭里鉆出來的神子,我當然也有家人,有媽媽,也有爸爸。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫
