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minecraft:stone 石頭
minecraft:grass 草方塊
minecraft:dirt 泥土
minecraft:cobblestone 圓石
minecraft:planks 木板
minecraft:sapling 樹苗
minecraft:bedrock 基巖
minecraft:flowing_water 水
minecraft:water 靜態水
minecraft:flowing_lava 巖漿
minecraft:lava 靜態巖漿
minecraft:sand 沙子
minecraft:gravel 沙礫
minecraft:gold_ore 金礦石
minecraft:iron_ore 鐵礦石
minecraft:coal_ore 煤礦石
minecraft:log 木頭
minecraft:leaves 樹葉
minecraft:sponge 海綿
minecraft:glass 玻璃
minecraft:lapis_ore 青金石礦石
minecraft:lapis_block 青金石塊
minecraft:dispenser 發射器
minecraft:sandstone 沙石
minecraft:noteblock 音符盒
minecraft:bed 床
minecraft:golden_rail 充能鐵軌
minecraft:detector_rail 探測鐵軌
minecraft:sticky_piston 粘性活塞
minecraft:web 蜘蛛網
minecraft:tallgrass 草叢
minecraft:deadbush 枯死的灌木
minecraft:piston 活塞
minecraft:piston_head 活塞臂
minecraft:wool 羊毛
minecraft:piston_extension 移動的活塞臂
minecraft:yellow_flower 蒲公英
minecraft:red_flower 罌粟
minecraft:brown_mushroom 棕色蘑菇
minecraft:red_mushroom 紅色蘑菇
minecraft:gold_block 金塊
minecraft:iron_block 鐵塊
minecraft:double_stone_slab 雙石臺階
minecraft:stone_slab 石臺階
minecraft:brick_block 磚塊
minecraft:tnt TNT
minecraft:bookshelf 書架
minecraft:mossy_cobblestone 苔石
minecraft:obsidian 黑曜石
minecraft:torch 火把
minecraft:fire 火
minecraft:mob_spawner 刷怪箱
minecraft:oak_stairs 橡木樓梯
minecraft:chest 箱子E
minecraft:redstone_wire 紅石線
minecraft:diamond_ore 鉆石礦石
minecraft:diamond_block 鉆石塊
minecraft:crafting_table 工作臺
minecraft:wheat 小麥
minecraft:farmland 耕地
minecraft:furnace 熔爐E
minecraft:lit_furnace 燃燒的熔爐E
minecraft:standing_sign 站立的告示牌
minecraft:wooden_door 木門
minecraft:ladder 梯子
minecraft:rail 鐵軌
minecraft:stone_stairs 圓石樓梯
minecraft:wall_sign 墻上的告示牌E
minecraft:lever 拉桿
minecraft:stone_pressure_plate 石質壓力板
minecraft:iron_door 鐵門
minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate 木質壓力板
minecraft:redstone_ore 紅石礦石
minecraft:lit_redstone_ore 發光的紅石礦石
minecraft:unlit_redstone_torch 紅石火把(未開啟)
minecraft:redstone_torch 紅石火把(已開啟)
minecraft:stone_button 石質按鈕
minecraft:snow_layer 雪
minecraft:ice 冰
minecraft:snow 雪塊
minecraft:cactus 仙人掌
minecraft:clay 粘土
minecraft:reeds 甘蔗
minecraft:jukebox 唱片機E
minecraft:fence 柵欄
minecraft:pumpkin 南瓜
minecraft:netherrack 地獄巖
minecraft:soul_sand 靈魂沙
minecraft:glowstone 螢石
minecraft:portal 下界傳送門
minecraft:lit_pumpkin 南瓜燈
minecraft:cake 蛋糕 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫
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