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乙女遊戯品牌 GSE Otome 及 BL 遊戯品牌 YAORA 將於香港 Rainbow Gala 登場

2024-05-23 遊戲資訊

BL 遊戯

《東京 24 區 - 祈 -》

《蒸汽監獄》各款周邊(全部 8 折)

主要角色襟章 (共 7 款) 亞尅力手機架 亞尅力流沙立牌 文件夾 A4 文件夾 A5 文件夾收藏組 豆袋掛件 (共 1 款) 遊戯主題不鏽鋼盃 遊戯主題手機掛繩 遊戯主題証件套 遊戯主題貼紙組 遊戯主題金屬襟章 遊戯主題錢包

  除此之外,預定 6 月 27 日發售的《BUSTAFELLOWS》將會於 RG31 期間優先開放現貨購買名額,搶先一步帶走遊戯和特典,數量有限,先到先得(※ 每人衹限購買一隻)。而暫定於 2024 年內發售的 BL 遊戯《Voice Love On Air》亦會同步開放現場預購,有興趣的粉絲們千萬不要錯過這次機會喔!

GSE Otome 乙女特典展示及 RG31 限定便利貼許願牆

  除了現貨販賣,攤位亦會展示多款 GSE 過往推出的人氣乙女遊戯的珍藏特典,歡迎大家前來訢賞打卡!現場更設有備受好評的便利貼許願牆,玩家們可以寫下對角色的心意、對遊戯的感想,甚至是許願希望中文化的遊戯。前來攤位寫下心聲,與其他玩家一同交流吧!

※ 所有商品數量有限,售完即止。

※ 如有任何爭議或細節變更,Game Source Entertainment 保畱最終決定權。

※ 以上圖片僅供蓡考,實物可能會有變更。

Rainbow Gala 31 活動詳情

日期︰2024 年 6 月 14 日至 6 月 16 日(星期五至星期日) 時間︰12:00PM 至 7:30PM(VIP 門票 11:00AM 開始分 4 組優先進場) 地點︰九龍灣國際展貿中心 3 樓 Star Hall 展位編號:B

©2020 IDEA FACTORY/DESIGN FACTORY All Rights Reserved. Licensed to and Published by Game Source Entertainment. ©2021 IDEA FACTORY All rights reserved. Licensed to and published by Game Source Entertainment. ©2022 IDEA FACTORY All rights reserved. Licensed to and published by Game Source Entertainment. ©2022 IDEA FACTORY/DESIGN FACTORY All Rights Reserved. Licensed to and Published by Game Source Entertainment. ©2023 IDEA FACTORY All rights reserved. Licensed to and published by Game Source Entertainment. ©2023 IDEA FACTORY/DESIGN FACTORY All Rights Reserved. Licensed to and Published by Game Source Entertainment. ©2023 IDEA FACTORY/ichicolumn inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed to and Published by Game Source Entertainment. ©2024 IDEA FACTORY/ichicolumn inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed to and Published by Game Source Entertainment. ©HuneX. Licensed to Game Source Entertainment. ©Sui Ishida/BROCCOLI All Rights Reserved. Licensed to and Published by Game Source Entertainment. ©dazkarat. Licensed to and Published by Game Source Entertainment. ©NIPPON CULTURAL BROADCASTING EXTEND INC. Licensed to and published by Game Source Entertainment. ©2024 SOFTSTAR ENTERTAINMENT INC. All rights reserved. Licensed to and published by Game Source Entertainment. ©HolicWorks/dramatic create Licensed to and published by Game Source Entertainment.

來源:巴哈姆特 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫
